awsome! a non humanoid character is always a big plus in the design appartment :smiley: since , you know. people tend to make what they are comfortable with and since you see humans everywhere in real life they tend to make those.

Myself included! Hoping to flex my creature chops with this challenge. Here's a blockout. Arms and body are super WIP, the deltoids and such here are still super blobby. Gonna give him some kind of shell also, similar to [this]

I'm really hoping to hone in on making believable fantasy anatomy on this guy, so any C+C/ideas on how to better him in this department as the challenge progresses are much appreciated.

Ooooo, awsome a chitin shell for that natural armor :smiley: the hands might have more or less fingers than us, you could use the amount of fingers they have for weapon designs too, like a more narrow grip or broader, maybe they even have a stranger hand like (imagine with me here) 2 front fingers and 2 back fingers like thumbs, so their grips might have a 8 like shape if viewed from the top. could be cool.

11 days later

More progress screenies-

Still pretty rough, but I'm starting to settle in on some shapes I don't hate. Not quite married to the headdress yet as is, so I'm keeping it pretty loose.

Really digging some of the features on these hickory horned devil 'pillars, And I'm thinking itll be cool to wrap the horns in cloth/beads and such.

Super original and kinda disturbing ! Waiting for next post! The top of the head looks a bit too much complex yet, but i guess thinks will be re-balanced when you push the progress a bit further.

@grigouips for sure! Began to address the balance issue in this latest update. Will continue to work on the body, since that and the arms are the most WIP thing at the moment.

Reworked some proportions and began throwing some details on the headdress. Wanted to develop a design language there that'll carry throughout the rest of the project. Messing around with shadowbox for some of the jewelry design

Made the braids from splines. Gonna make some more detailed rags and path conform them here, then probably throw some beads and amulets on it.