Hey there Cube Brush community
This will be my first post and my entry to the Cube Brush ART WAR Challenge. I didnt see a whole lot of creatures being done so I thought I would take a step away from the norm on this. I figured my "hero" would be a warcraft styled mount. I will be doing my version of a Yeti being used as a sort of Vrykul mount or beast of burden. I look forward to seeing what everyone creates during this challenge. Already see some very impressive pieces. Good luck to all.

Here is a bit of refrence that I am using for the armor.

And this is the Yeti concept I will be working from. Just the bare creature itself. Willsave the armor concept to do a draw over of the 3D when ready.

Yeti looks deadly already. :wink:

Looks pretty cool i like him, looking forward to more.

Thanks guys. fantasymaster, I see the rider as a large viking king. More like a Vrykul from World of Warcraft.

I love this kind of stylized work! great progress!

12 days later

Just finishing up a few more details then time for retop. Got a little tied up with other work so a bit of delay. Back at it again. I am a little unsure now if I want to do shields on the other shoulder. Maybe a dragon skull of some sort, or a weapons rack. Have to think on it.