Hi everyone!
I chose the Earth element. It will be a Mineral mage. I desided to take gothic and renaissance style as a basis.

Here is my moodbord:

If you wanted any C&C, I like the small 3rd(one) thumbnail (lines) far right top and the 2 in the middle on the lower row.

Nice looking forward to more.

I am a big fan of the desert sorceress and the soldier/mermaid piece on your artstation. I love your choices of colors. From the little details and storytelling elements to the way you rendered the market, your "Elf and Axe" painting is impressive also.

Excited to see, and learn from, how this one comes together.

Great idea! Looks interesting, good luck!

Color searching.
I would like to know your opinion!

Such superb atmosphere and unique mage !
Good luck with all the details.