Name: Peter Paul Horațiu

Hello there! Ready to participate in the WAR! A little late, but I will try to keep up with it even if I'm a student and I have exams. Who needs a diploma when you are called at war?

Final illustration:

I want to bring a bit of my culture in this piece. The romanian mythology is rich and it fits my theme perfectly here. Here is a quick concept sheet for my "Solomonar".

Some sketches/thumbnails before I start the main piece. I want to get a good idea of the mood and of the action that I want to explore here. Unfortunately due to my lack of time I can't really do tons of sketches as I will normally will, so I will stick with this one. I like how is looking so far and I'm looking forward to start the big guy.

Finally... the sketch for the main piece. I know there are some anatomy mistakes, but I don't really have lots of time to fix them. I will continue by dressing him up and putting the environment together to be more defined, maybe some grayscale to understand the piece better. I really like how this is going tho, maybe I will make a new update today.

Cool assortment of props. Is the idea a combination of Roman and Norse mythology?

Yes! It starts from the Romanian mythology and has a lot of elements from the Norse culture. The Slavic, Norse and Roman mythology are pretty similar in many aspects and they are a lot of fun to explore. I will try to implement more props :wink: I'm glad you find them cool

I did a low polish greyscale to say so, just to define the form a little bit better and help me and you understand what is going on. It's looking right like in the thumbnail and I'm happy about that. Also it looks just like some cartoon :smile: maybe like Korra? I dig it so far. Now that the flats are in place, it's time to start rendering. I will work on my values more and only after that I will start the actual render

This is looking really good so far. I like the somewhat Dr Strange vibe in that he's surrounded by this awesome power moving and changing all around him. Looking forward to seeing this finished!

A little bit of value in there. The next step will be to add color. It's so hard to not destroy this piece really :smile: Like I'm so tempted to add particles, effects, cool lights, foreground or textures even tho I know those are the last steps. But firstly you have to work on the bigger picture and that's what I'm trying to do now.

Still searching for the full color palette. I'm happy with how it looks so far. My complain will be that now with color it really seems empty, like the character is too small compared to the background. I think the lightning effects that I'm going to add alongside with the debris and the particles will make it look more cohesive.

Seems like all the hell breaks loose. The pattern from his back is taken directly from the romanian borders you usually find on our traditional clothes. I really like to implement stuff like that into my painting.

This is coming along great. I had an idea that you might want to try(or not, its your painting :smile: )

Right now the character blends in a lot with his surroundings. What if you gave him a red/green/blue or whatever color cape to really separate him as a focal point? Nothing too saturated, but just... different. Just an idea.

That's actually a really good idea. Thank you! I will try to work on it, see how it looks.