A lot has changed, I really like the middle design.

so far so good, on to sculpting the arm transformation.

I redesigned the boots, so that it resembles a beetle.

I think the redesign looks a lot better on her now. You can possibly add more beetle elements in other places as well.

Thanks and yep, I do plan on adding gold patterns on the black armor.

wow! this job evolves in leaps and bounds! The jade pendant is really beautiful. I can't wait to see it finished.

Now to add detail! I need to paint her face and design a pattern for her clothing, I also need to come up with a pose and give her a crystal weapon, which she converts from stone on the ground (imagine Earth bending, but the stone turns into jade and can be shaped into any weapon). I revisited the anatomy

I think I went a bit too extreme with the thigh muscles, gonna smooth it out a bit and make the legs more visible since the armor covered a lot of her skin. I am not really satisfied with the face as well, going to sculpt her expression straight on. Other than that, a weapon is still needed with a simple background that can make the character stand out.

Redid the design, the previous design did not read well as a whole, the armor parts weren't connecting to me.
So here is what I have so far, I am trying to read the entire body in one material before I apply colour. As for her weapon, I am going to design a Great sword that can split into dual swords. I also went overboard and experimented with the possible 3D hairstyles.

I think in this case the poly hair works the best in my opinion. Keep up the good work here.

I have been working on this character every single day. The character design has drastically changed throughout the week, I wanted to make sure that her silhouette reads well and show her warrior side. There are still details that I want to add before I give her a pose. Monster Hunter's Great sword pose is one that I am thinking of right now. When she swings her sword, it controls the earth and forms stone missles that attack long range

Really cool ! Love the shapes and colours. Just one thing that is bothering me : The stains on the thighs are distracting my eyes from the overall shapes and are just in the space between the armor parts. Just my own advice anyway, everything else is really cool :smile:

Thanks Zalkan, It did distract me as well. Glad I am not the only one bothered by it.

Choosing the right pose was the most challenging part of the contest if one part doesn't look right the whole thing will fall apart. I'd spent a long time perfecting the pose, gathering references from the internet wasn't enough, I had to do the pose myself in order to understand how the body works