Nice! blockout is looking awesome!

Coming along nicely! very nice proportions

@juan thanks! just chuggin away at it!

everything has an incredible finish and the little fox is really adorable.

Nice i think of l.o.l. for some reason when i look at her.

@3dc haha thank you! thats actually really great to hear cuz thats what im going for =D
@itseffindan thanks!!

changed hat detail to be less... grim and break the silhouette, cleaned up the hair, put like a witches symbol on her back (temp, just to try it out) and made the fox familiar have more fox head features

Looks better and better after each update! Keep doing!
The fire fox is very cute :smile:

I like the design and the model is very clean. Keep it up!

tweeking some values, adding details here and there