Glad to see you here again. Good luck and have fun. Looking forward to your concept and model

Here is the concept. I want to do something like the leader of an occult knightly order, he received the power of fire as a reward for obedient service to his deity.

Awesome start, Nikita. Looking forward to your work, man!

I like the direction your headed in.

@malcom Thanks Malcom!

I'm actually not really happy with the silhouette and design ... decided to make it not just a crusader but more the devil himself

Yo! dope desing Nikita, just want to suggest a change on the shin guards because for me that part looks like so much clean in terms of general design, maybe something like that for have a little more of contrast on legs?, just my opinion haha

Glad to see you here, Nikita :wave:
Cool concept :fire: