Troub'Ador - The earth army official fanfare

For my entry I picked EARTH as my Element.

I've a real appreciation for music, so I decided to make my character as a bard!

For those who underestimate the power of sound and rhythm, here's some notes:

"Whether scholar, skald, or scoundrel, a bard weaves magic through words and music to inspire allies, demoralize foes, manipulate minds, create illusions, and even heal wounds".


With that being said, here's some images I've chosen as reference for what came in my mind when I thought in this idea:

As I'm not a person with 2d skills, I've blocking some poses, and that's the original idea

In the upcoming posts I'll be explaining the idea, the shapes, design decisions and backstory of this character. Hope you guys can understand this eccentric character, and like it eventually.

Some screenshots soon! Thanks and good luck everyone! :v:

Great idea, man! Keep it up, there is still time for it!

Neat, i never thought to use the "zbrush wooden stick figure", in that way before now. If the design comes close to the 2 wooden creatures you are showing as reference this will be super cool to view.

Well, I'm sorry for the delay in posting here, but I'm trying to focus in the character... I'm not used to do my own designs, but I'm getting really excited with this one :stuck_out_tongue:


  • Troub'Ador is the main and only official fanfare member. The reason he plays alone is obvious: he's a gigantic ent like creature, enchanted (or cursed) by the earth gems and flora. His right side is much more affected than his left side.

  • His right arm is a set of roots, which he uses his drumsticks, while his left arm still has a hand, occupied with some noisy trinket

With some research I've seen that jade have some musical properties, that's why I've chosen it as the gem in his body:

"Jade’s toughness and musical properties have even made it into an old gemological saying. If you take a hammer and hit a diamond, the diamond will shatter into a dozen pieces. Hit a piece of quartz and it’ll split in two. However, if you hit a piece of jade, it’ll ring like a bell!"


I'll post what I thought for his main design and explain a little about my decisions:

This was the final model of the blocking stage. The image explains what I thought for the body and the roots.

In his body, the TRUNKS parts should be squared and fixed parts, with no 'fingers' or extensions. Close to the ROOTS, it may look cracked and/or damaged. The roots looking was described in the image.

here's how our huge bard is looking:

He's looking a little darker than I wanted, but I like the direction it's going.

Sure it's missing the banner in his back, with the tree coming out of the grass, but I'm not sure about its looks yet. Seriously thinking in make a gong or something like that.

Sorry for the long post,
PLEASE comment what you think of it, even if you don't like it :laughing:

Amazing work man! This idea is sensational, I'm curious to see the progress! Good luck!

Refined the design and blocked the basis from the lighter parts (The hard ones)
Deleted some roots and branches to make the reading easier.

Worked his arm. Still missing the roots on it.
Went to a more skeletic design, it matches with the hard looking.

i like it, looks like robin hood and Pinocchio amalgamation into forestation.