Hey Ho I really like your Design and the idea behind it There is just one thing you may consider. If I wouldn't have read the text, I probably couldn't guess which country she's from 😲
Actualy I'm not sure if its enough to just use the flag colors or if it has to b VERY obvious xD But I'm sure you will find a great solution, already very curious .
@prinzmoana Well, it's not just the colors All the decorative elements are bulgarian designs, as well as a big part of her clothes (with the exception of the flowy side skirt). These decorative elements, obviously, are also found in other eastern european countries, but that's where the colors come in. But thank you for the feedback, I'll look into reinforcing the bulgarian feel, as any uncertainty means a weakness of the design!
@bauscheusse Thank you I'll try to make her as cool as possible!
14 days later
Hello, hello!
After working on some other projects, I'm back on the samodiva!
Some redesign:
I'm thinking of ditching the weapon, as it doesn't really fit too well with the whole flowy dancing aesthetic.
Changed some proportions and design elements to reinforce the bulgarian feel. I have fantasy elements in there with some of the floating cloth pieces, but I want to make her look otherworldly and fairy-like. (Also, I just find it fun )
As for attack, she's going to suck the soul out of her enemies, but I'm still exploring other, complimentary means of attack.
I'm going to hit my head against the wall of colors some more, before presenting them to you
Have a nice day!
I get ya
Btw, the right design is a mix of what I like from the left ones with some added tweaks. There's no cleavage, it's a necklace element. Bulgarian traditional costumes are quite 'proper' and layered in general, even the uncovered arms are my creative license and would be quite strange/scandalous historically
Thanks for the crit!
And a rough illustration comp:
I decided to give her some slight ember/fire powers as well, as a nod towards samodivas causing droughts and the nestinarstvo tradition - a ritual where women dance on hot embers without getting burnt. The droughts and nestinarstvo aren't connected, but it's a nice double reference.
I'm a little tempted to make the enemies modern-day soldiers, but we'll see.
As for the character color-scheme - I'm still unsure about the side skirts and neck flowy parts (are they even cloth or metal??), but the base clothes have a somewhat acceptable color scheme (for now).
That's gonna be it for today - Thanks to everyone for checking it out!
Hey! I tidied up the lineart!
Also cleaned up the design. I should add some white with patterns on her shirt, but I'm overall happy with it!
I can already feel the pain of rendering so many patterns And they're gonna have a lively red glow!
@Brush_Tony Thank you! It's a struggle, especially with the colors' restriction
That is such a cool looking design, really looking forward to the finished piece! Definitely has a lot of character and I love how you keep using the moon behind her head, it really frames her nicely. If you're gonna make the patterns glow you gotta be careful you don't accidentally make your composition too busy with small glowing details which could draw the eye away from the important bits, other than that you're doing really well!
Thank you! Yeah, I like the moon for implying her nocturnal nature and giving her a bit of creepiness as well!
As for the glow, I intend it to be more like an action magic glow - on her hands, close to her body in the flowy cloth pieces (like an inner glow to frame her silhouette a bit). Think of something like Scarlet Witch, but way more subtle. But thank you for the heads-up and the kind words! ^^
@br00dley Thanks! Glad you like it!
And some more progress - rendering, rendering, rendering... (with some design tweaks)