thanks guys, will do 1-2 more then settle on a direction, will try to add some magic too

and something with more magic, this guy is a werewolf

So good awesome start looking forward to the next post!

ok so this is the direction, werewolf godess of the dacians, ferocious and wild
will do some costume variations from now on, bare chested she will look more wild, also the addition of feathers and skulls may help + better falx sword (more decorative). The flag of dacia was the howling wolf head so she already has the flag itself (not just the colors that were required by the contest)

also having a giant spirit wolf around her would increase the magic part

some shilouetes, helmets weapons and belt variations

Falx sword inspired arm claws, being a werewolf it would be good to have some claw themed weapons (the Falx sword is like a claw itself so it works well in this direction)
time to put everything into some costume sketches and finish

final character, not sure about the shield though.. will do colors and some expressions next.

13 days later

This is amazing! 🤩 The costume looks great, the weapon fits the character perfectly and I love her wild vibes👍🏼

Thank you will upload the final character soon :smile:

15 days later

Last costume and color variations, will go with version 2, make the back and final illustration

Well apparently I cant hit submit entry.. website is stuck at "resize thumbnail"..

thank you, Im happy you like it, not sure if it will get in the contest though :smile: apparently other people had uploading problems too.

Yooo this design rocks!
The research and exploration stages were so good.

Hope you make it in. I saw that as long as you finished on time you should be considered, even if you had some trouble with the submission (there was a comment by Cubebrush on the brief post).

Yes thank you, it will be in the contest I think.
I like the explorarion too but I rushed the final image a bit and im not verry happy with the result.. :smiley: anyway.. will see what will happen.

Nice character and really cool illustration! Judges will be going to look at all topics, so even if you didn't submit your entry will still be looked at. Best of luck to you!