My father once told me that our ancestors lived high up in the Balkans and were simple shepherds. Due to the displacement of this people, So I made a shepherdess into a warrior who only wants to protect her village.

Before I show you all of my designs for my fighter, I want to introduce myself first :smile:

Name: Lidija Marinovic

Here you can see more of my stuff :smile:


Originally I am from Serbia (born there) but due to the Balkan War I grew up in Austria, currently I live in Germany. As you can see, I am multicultural, which is why it was difficult for me to choose a country. Because of the fact that every year I have less and less connection to my country of birth, I decided to choose Serbia.

Serbia is a Slavic country with many influences from Russia, Germany and the Ottoman Empire. Depending on which part of the country you are in, the characteristics of the influences also change.

To give you an insight into my design decision, I'll show you my references here :smile:

And here are some designs and Sketches :smile:

Some sketches that I made for the pose and the compositions, from which the finished illustration would result.

After a while and opinions from other people, I finally had two thumbnails left.

With this composition and the movements of the character, I have to redesign the outfit.
So the (almost) final character concept was born :smile: .

I decided to combine the favored design with the traditional costume of my homeland. :smile:

Now I could start working on the illustration ... a few steps have been taken.

Unfortunately, I am not so sure about color, especially when there are many elements in one picture at once, which is why I started working out in black and white.
Afterwards I started adding color.

10 days later

I really like the design, great colors, great flow, great expression! :smiley:
Not sure if the post above (with grey background) is your concept sheet, but don't forget to put a simple back view in there, since it is required in the challenge. Would be a shame, if this would affect your chances to win😉
Keep up the great work!