Terrifying and beautiful, love the progress so far =)

I wanted to redesign the sarcophagus to make it more like the iron maidens, and I followed the advice of @prinzmoana (thanks man) for the mask and I must say that now convinces me more :smile:
I hope you like it, if you have any criticism or advice just tell me :smile:

In the next few days I will try to explore other colors :smile:

That whole idea is awesome! That's so cool :smile: I look forward to your progress!

I like D bc it fits the flag and has more personality than C in my opinion. But I like the Nürnberg flag in B

I like so much this character! So unique and iconic!! For colours I like the most D design, it's more pleasant for me.
Also, I have a small idea: what do you think about incorporating 1 World War helmet? Like that from Keiser times, with a spike on top... It have cool silhouette and will add more spikes to the design!!)))

I like this idea too, if you talk about this helmet

And @lonaxj, why don't you try to paint your char full in black with red and yellow (or gold, like in pic above) accents?) I think it might look more dangerous and strong with darker design. I look forward to your final result too :relaxed:

Yeah, exactly this typo of German helmets!) Thanks for a visualization

your design is looking really great!
I personally love the black/yellow and the ocre color schemes. I can't wait to see where you take this next

Really cool idea, I like where this is going!