Here is my reference board for my idea. I really don't like the look of kilts but they are a big part of when people think of Ireland so I think a half-kilt would be interesting to do. I am also using the two official animals of Ireland, The Irish elk, and hare. The Irish elk went extinct because of their antlers evolving to be too big and I thought that was really interesting!

Put some more worki into my references just to get everything right THE REAL WORK BEGINS TONIGHT

Noice! I have cousins that live in County cork, Cant wait to see what you do with this!

Thanks! im lovin the work youre doing for South Korea

some studies for design tomorrow I really want chunky body forms and with the deer I wanted to see how I could push the colors and see how the face works. Need a bit more work in both areas but I'm excited for the challenge!

I didn't know that there is able to add text in PureRef. I will use it too))

I'm excited to see how this will turn out! Best of luck :smile:

Cool idea combining shamanism and celtic elements - cant' wait to see your concepts ^-^

I need to post! I start with some sketches Im trying a more line based workflow for these concepts to improve my DIgital draftsmanship and it has been a struggle! I decided to push the first drawing a bit more foreword than the other to just to see if my idea for having a thick line weight will work but in the end I think 2 and 3 are a lot cooler

If u guys have any thoughts or issues I can fix any critique is welcomed and Im grateful for it

Yea its awesome I keep little note about what I want to do with a piece with my references now all u got to do is hit ctrl + N

Yea im really trying to get celtic clothing and style into but also maybe a 18 - 1900s flair with it too since a lot of Irish left Ireland during that time It could be interesting

A shaman is more connected to nature is he? Outfit 2 is very well designed, but I think the tie is... too much Business for a shaman, if that makes any sense? xD I personaly would stick to the arm tattoos of 2 and the little mask of 3.
In my opinion the deer as a whole fits better with the celtic theme so i would love to see more on it ^^ But the little bunny ghost is so cute thoπŸ™ˆ

Yea 2 does feel like he would try to coerse me into his tattoo shop and watching the Joe Rogan podcast Ive been feeling that way with the deer too. I actually thought to switch the designs between them too to make it more thematic as I was the Deer protecting with the huge magic horns and in the end I don't think I could make a dynamic illustration with that so I switched it around. Thanks so much for the feedback!

I finished up the first one! I wanted to try a more line based style to improve my draftsmanship for this contest and I've been really enjoying it. I feel like Ive learned a lot. If you see anything that looks like It can be improve you can always say it! I love to hear your feedback.

Like the design so far, I think the stag idea works well. It also reminds me of the Celtic god Cernunnos (Horned God), I mean the the folklore in Ireland is one of the most interesting as its really well documented considering how old a lot of it is.