I really like your anatomy, those are some great feet drawings. I like the 2nd design with all the tattoos but if your design is more of a guardian I would say the 3rd design fits that better.

Thank for your feedbacks ! really glad to hear this.
Noted on the 3rd design. I think the peaceful take might the most unique.

Man it looks like all parts fit together perfectly 🤩

Waa thanks, that's reassuring : )
I'm not sure about the body paint on the back as it looks a bit like a bra. maybe will make it more like ribs.

Think you've nailed it! great silhouette, design, anatomy and character. So pumped to get better at anatomy now haha. Can't wait to see the illustration.

14 days later

Did some 3d base for the composition, lighting, poses and perspective.

Most of the work is still to be done but with the flat design and this base I should hopefully make it in time.

This needs to be a project! :smile: Get one rolling on Kickstarter or IndieGoGo! Good stuff! :smile:

this is so great! i love your comp and lighting!! and im getting into NFT too! its so interesting

really cool to see how you integrated 3D but make it feel like a 2D piece, good job!

Fiu, finally done, I guess I never spent so much time on a design and illus.
It's quite fantastical but I tried to keep it believable as the story is real.

Zumbi, last king of Palmares.

Palmares, or Little Angola, was a federal republic of villages built by escaped slaves in the Brazilian forests at the beginning of the 17th century.
Many leaders lived through the history of Palmares but the last one was the most veneered, even to the point of seeing him as an Orisha, the African god of war.

After nearly a century of survival, mercenaries and Portuguese soldiers ended up destroying the kingdom, using even a canon in the middle of the forest to break fortifications.
Zumbi managed to escape with survivors, but his closest friend was captured and tortured, until he lead the soldier to their last refuge.
There, hidden in a cave behind a waterfall (as cliché as it might seem it's apparently true) Zumbi took a last stand, protecting his last subjects as they were slaughtered.
He was then beheaded and his head brought to the capital of the region to show that Palmares was no more.

Nevertheless he became the symbol of the fight to break away from slavery in brazil.

Loïc Bramoullé
Twitter: @overliok
Facebook: Loïc Bramoullé
Instagram: Loïc Bramoullé

Very cool result! I like the environment, character details, colors!!