A bit late, but late then never.
I dont have much time as a student and also working part-time 3 times a week, but i´ll still try to finish this.
Name: C-row (paraphrase for sorrow)
Email: s.selim19@googlemail.com
Website: http://riimet.deviantart.com/
@Twitter: https://twitter.com/SRimet
@Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ovwiwvo/
History of my champion "C-row"
Without any memories he wakes up in a labour. The new parts on his body, which made him half robot, half human (possibly saved his life). But there is nobody who could answere all the question popping up in his head. Not even the person who modificated him to what he is now, is to find. So he starts traveling the destroyed world or the rest of what the war left, for answers. Durring his long path he starts to rememorizes some frames of his life before the war. His Family, his daughter, his fallen comaredes. This memories will sooner turn in to nightmeres haunting him every night. After 3 years of traveling and fighting against monsters caused by the atomic-weapon-pollution, he finds his destroyed house and bekommst the killermachine without emotions...
they´re calling C-row.
(sorry for my bad english )
it is gooing to be a male, the female sketch is just to figure out how to designe the head. I apriciate critique
Feb 4, '17
last reply
Feb 14, '17