loving your progress! your painting style and method is really interesting. Do you mind posting a gif of your progress sometime later? I think I will learn a lot from it ^^

@rgdraw @Iago_Cavalcante @ESL @Steve_Kim @HorizonDweller

Thanks for the kind words guys! Glad you are liking it so far! :smile:

@Steve_Kim Sure! I can do that with this piece.

Sooooo I decided to redo the piece once more.
After taking a break from the piece for a couple of days I looked at it again and didn't really like it anymore. I felt like the pose was too stiff. This guy is suppose to come from a tribe of fire dancers so I feel like the pose and composition should be more graceful and flowing if that makes any sense haha.

I spent some time reworking the pose/composition some more and came up with this! The idea for this was to have the character ascending from the ground while performing one of his special moves - fire dragon summon.
Overall I think this one captures the character a lot more then the previous.

Let me know what you think of it. :smile:

Hey, I'm loving the change. It feels very natural now. Keep going man!

"But everything changed when the Fire nation attacked !" xD Sorry i had to do it
Amazing composition once again! Can't wait for the next step :stuck_out_tongue:

Wow! Cool idea and magic colors :+1: Keep it up dude!

I think your right @JasonNguyen IN the new one, it's more flow-y Love the gesture of this comp over the other. I'd say you we're successful in making a better comp. Oh an the colors are awesome. Can't wait to see what you do next.

Wow this is getting more awesome but if you don't mind me recommending something, I think you can possible turn the left hand an have it point towards the spirit to follow this C gesture line you have. Other than that I love everything you have going on. It just keeps getting better and better. The piece really has a nice flow. The colors and light really set the mood. A badass ready to win. Such an awesome character. ahh...anyway keep up the good work man. Can't wait for the next update. :grin:

@jnmobley @mr_dessin @rgdraw @malcom
Thanks a lot for the kind words guys! Glad you liked it :smile:
Ah you have a great point! I think instead of turning the hand I will add some fire effects around his hand to lead the eye back around.
Thank you for suggestion and for point that out. :smiley:

Here's another update on the piece - more detailing and refining!
Ahhh there's still so much to do I am getting a bit overwhelmed with this, but having a lot of fun and learning lots at the same time. Hope you like it! ^^"

You're welcome man :smile:
Keep it up like this !

Yeah man no problem. Keep going. This just keeps getting better an better. Good to see you learning something as well.

Thanks ! Pretty soon I hope! (I had some busy days and couldn't work on it, so i hope i'll have the chance to paint this weekend)

Could you stop your overcool painting please :smile:
Kidding ^^

Can't wait for more !

it's almost scary how fast you can adapt to changing things completely like that.. just wow :thumbsup: