Thanks ! Pretty soon I hope! (I had some busy days and couldn't work on it, so i hope i'll have the chance to paint this weekend)

Could you stop your overcool painting please :smile:
Kidding ^^

Can't wait for more !

it's almost scary how fast you can adapt to changing things completely like that.. just wow :thumbsup:

Wow, your drawing skills are wesome!! The design idea is nice and full of detail! Just keep up the good work and cant wait to see your finished illustration!

@daty Thank you! :smile:

Here is another update to the piece. I mostly worked on the dragon, background and touched up the character a bit. Let me know your thoughts on the piece so far!
Edit: Actually now that I look at it I think I like the flow of the other dragon better :stuck_out_tongue:

Agreed with what you said about the better flow on the previous dragon :wink:

This is turning out amazing :smile: Also saw you rooster knight featured on the ArtStation FB page this morning, top notch!

Not to sound nit picky or anything but this looks a like the league of legends blood moon skins. Its pretty dope though <3

I love it ! Amazing work dude ! :smile: