Name: Leon Chheuy
Facebook: Personal

Hi guys! It's my first time participating in a competition as amazing as this one. I'm really excited to create something alongside so many amazing artists. I look forward to seeing everyone else's ideas!

I've decided to go with the dark side and created a small bio to describe what I'm intending to make...

Ashiya, the Dragonic Warrior.

A youthful dragonic male, who serves under the Demon Army. He aspires to be Supreme Commander of the Demon Army and fights viciously for the sake of glory, hoping to eventually achieve his goal. As a ruthless figher, he pits himself on the front lines of battle. Ashiya, uses the power of his dragonic blood to vanquish his foes. His fighting style is explosive and destructive, pathing devastation wherever he chooses his battles.

Has Dragonic overlord in their ref sheet means that I have to follow this. 2 stands out the most in my opinion. 2 and 3 feel powerful.

Thanks for the feedback! I used to play vanguard, so I couldn't help myself lol. Dragonic Overlord's new designs are so friggin cool now.

I still play. Yeah, "The Purge" and Destiny are awesome. Anyway good luck

I like his backstory a lot :smile: I look forward to seeing which sketch you end up going with and can't wait to see what colours you pick ^.^

Oh nice I see a character from Disgaea if I'm correct ?
Really like your 2 first designs !

Thanks! I haven't really thought too much about the colours the moment I'm just thinking of using "bright colours that makes things look pretty" lol.

That's right! It's from Disgaea. I've always loved takehito's artwork and I've just recently bought disgaea 5 so I'm pretty keen to get into it later. :smile:

I decided to focus mainly on the armor and did my best to work out to create a powerful personality through the armor. Honestly, it was heaps of fun but really difficult. Currently, I'm personally enjoying concept 1 and 3 the most.

my favorite is 2