Name: Steven Serra Mock

Hello everybody.

I really love the idea of Light vs Dark and i decided to support the dark side.
I already have an idea in mind and i'm going to tell you some more about it later on.
However, Idont have any sketches yet because first of all i'd like to gather some information and a few references and i found out about this war like 5 hours ago.

At least i have the name of my creature though.

My general idea is to create a creature that is feeding on life essence of all kind. To do so it disguises as the most innocent life form it can find in its surroundings.
Moreover, it lures victims into his reach (which is gigantic) by an anorganic matter that glows and starts unfolding into its true form.
While in its disguised form it is most vulnerable but once it transformed back to its own self it (almost) can't be defeated.
When everything is unfold it begins to suck out the life essence of every living being until theres no drop left.

And here you have my initial sketches


A few general idea sketches i did while just listening to some music and letting my imagination run wild.


And taking them into Photoshop.
(The thing in the bottom mid is my idea of the backview)

Please give me feedback so i can further improve on my initial design. Thank you very much in advance!

10 days later