I like you line work, curious to see more :smile:

Really pretty head sketches. Looking forward to seeing what they will be attached to. Good luck and have fun! :+1:

Decided to draw on paper because i wasn't at home lol. Right now I'm just throwing some ideas on paper. Maybe giving her pair of goggles since has to do with light lol. And maybe a lantern of some kind to capture light. At first I wanted something simple like a type of body suit but I thought that was too boring so I tried making this type of kimonoish garment to wear over it. these are just ideas so far so nothing is permanent. Feedback?

You're welcome :smile:
I like the kimono idea, and the lantern to capture the light is awesome!
Not sure about the sunglasses, feel out of place, but i can be wrong
Anyway keep up the great work :smiley:

Oh! It's gonna be amazing! :smiley:
And you're welcome of course :smile:

Really cool, I like n°2 and 4, but I think it could work nicely with the pattern of the first one, unless you already tried it and it doesn't work at all
Anyway, really nice work :smiley:

yea i was thinking that too, i like the design of the first one so i might just combine the 1st one with the 4th one

19 days later

15 days later

Nice! Keep up the great work! :smiley:
You can finish it ! :smile: