Love your storytelling in this illustration, very interesting and intrigueing. I am full of questions when I look at it, might be cool if you give some insights on your thought process.

I'm a fan of Dark Souls, I'm interested in cults and rituals.
Now I have decided on the idea, at the moment the anatomy and proportions are receding into the background. The occultist collects souls in certain vessels, for a petrified monster.
Now I can move on to the concept of the occultist ...

Looking damn awesome, keep it up!

11 days later

Woah, you are some tough competion! Looking forward to your progress on your illustration :smile: , I am curious how you plan to make you champion stand out (don't get me wrong, I love your draft of the illustration and the composition! But for the moment my attention is equally divided by your champion and the dragon)? Will you have an alternate light source?

Hi Eve!
Good question. Now the illustration shows the plans, then it will be a dark room and all the dragon would be in shadow (except for the light from the candles).

That makes perfect sense, would love to see the progress :wink:

9 days later

Wow! This looks really amazing :smiley:

Thank you!
There are a lot of changes ahead, and the final shades will be different.

13 days later