I really love the contrast in colour between her skin and the clothing, it makes the character even more interesting!

The colors are really working. Absolutely love it!

I saw this post earlier and thought it was awesome without realizing it's you noah ^^
I love the desings so far, in the last one in the small thumbnail she has some holes/patterns in her pants, maybe you could use that somehow as in the big one the pants seem really simple (:

I love the design so far! As for weaponry she looks as though she has an Indian and Egyptian theme. Maybe you could research weapons used by either culture and implement them into your design like maybe a indian Chakram (sikh) or Egyptian Khopesh. keep up the good work!

That looks so interesting! It was for sure the rigth choise

I like the 3rd one better, but I think you can use other colors for the eyes to make it a little bit more distinct because you already have a lot of yellow on your character. Your overall design is really good btw, can't wait to see it finished!

Nice busts. And those floral designs are beautiful! I love the black and gold!

Would have to agree with tbrk, third design is the most interesting at the moment. :smile:

Thanks for all your feedback, appreciate it a lot :smiley:
@alexbrewer2238 The chakram looks great, I like it a lot. Thanks for your input, now I have a name so I can do some research.
@tbrk Yeah you're right, I should try to pop up her eyes little bit more. There are too much black and yellow already.
@evehartman I will go with the third design, I like it too ^^ the spikey shape fits to the dark theme also

Great design so far! Even though she's smiling, the eyes are pure malice. She definitely looks bad.

Great start on the weapon designs. The bottom ones have lots of spikes, which is always great shape language for evil and nasty, but I personally really like the rounder ones on the top as they are so clearly sharp and dangerous. You might consider combining aspects of both the blades and spikes for more variation and to tie them together with the jewelry pieces you posted in your previous post.
Anyhow, great work, looking forward to seeing more!

@mdashow thanks for your reply, I totally agree with you. The spikey blades are looking interesting, but maybe little bit too much spikness.

I love what you did with the hands and the ring blade suits her well and I believe you are going to design a much better ring blade soon

Thanks ^^ She needs the gloves for the sharp blade edges haha