Choosed Darkness.
Yorima is a federal agent in a world where magic and science living side by side. But the fact is magic is limited here. More precisely, every person has a limited amount of using it in a week, a month, a year. The reason is simple - if one person uses more then they are allowed, it means less magic for someone else. (oc people with more influence and money have less restrictions and with less of both - more of the same)
That's why the government here has a strict punishment for all the people who break this law. And the federal agents are the one who execute it.
They are the main fear of every person living here. They are hounds of the government. You won't know up to the last moment about their presence near your house.
Cause if you break the law - even once - they'll confiscate all your magic. Forever or not... depends on the seriousness of the misconduct.
Every agent has a golem: a weapon that does this dirty job. Agents are needed to trace the thieves and read the charges.
Speaking of Yorima he is very good in his job. He is goblin, which are well-known for their punctuality and compliance. His golem has a form of a giant dog called "Nancy".