Hello everyone! I was so inspired by the entries last year that I wanted to give it a go this time. I'm still quite new to character sculpting and I'm also doing some characters for my final project at uni, but I really want to push myself so let's go!
So, I am obsessed with the moon and goddesses. After some research I saw that a lot of cultures, most prominantly Chinese and Native American, associate the moon with rabbits. I also found that there is a type of night blooming flower sometimes called a moonflower that looks like a star. I'm also taking inspiration from the Greek goddess Selene (and maybe some others after some more research).
Here's a quick scribble from my sketch book:
And then I went into zbrush last night and got started! I used and altered a base mesh of mine that I made about a month or so ago.
"Sent by the moon goddess and armed with light magic, she appears only at night to strengthen her allies and lift the darkness from her foes' hearts." - still working on that but that's it for now.
I'm going to do a bit of a paintover and think about the details I want to add. I also want to give her little bunny companions made of light who help her spread the light on the battlefield
Crits welcome and good luck everyone!
Dec 20, '17
last reply
Jan 13, '18