I've only started dabbling in digital art a year ago so I don't expect to get very far let alone win anything but for me it's more about learning, taking part and joining a community!

I heard wind that Cubebrush were holding down an Art War and I proceeded to get involved! Entering competitions and what not is unexplored ground to me so i'm fairly excited to share my progress with you as the project develops.

My submission is Picaro, The Lovable Rogue and he's going to be backing the DARK corner!
I hope to have fun with this project and see where it takes me, if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask :smile_cat:.

Name: Derek Herve

Email: derekherve@gmail.com

Website: dezuhe.com / artstation.com/artist/derekherve

Twitter: @picaroboy

Facebook: facebook.com/dzherve