A start to the head of the fire salamander mech

Dragging muscle strands around for the body of the mech blockout. I'm debating if i should go more TTGL influenced and enlarge the head to make the pilot seat facing out the mouth instead of out the ribcage.

Though what B offers is more readability with the rider. If you can solve that with A, that would help push it. I think B is overall stronger right now though.

Good to hear some feedback on it :smiley: . I think if i go with A i would have to up the rider scaling. Have him set so his legs run along either side of the tongue portion sort of like a turret gunner. A concept of something like that i can find is the orbital hunter by Johnson Ting https://www.artstation.com/artwork/Q5824. Not really as reference for the material or metal i'm going to use, more the pose and equipment positioning.

You could push the whole head back some or the seat forward so the rider is a bit more clear. Not neccessarily this far forward if you wanted the sides to give him protection. But just a thought since readability is a key feature overall.

Yeah readability defiantly key to the piece. I'll try the head first. I might have to get the character base mesh in there or use a mannequin from zbrush to really plan out the finer details and positioning.

Great progress so far! I don't think I quite understand how the character will be integrated, they sit in the hollowed area like it's a cockpit I assume? If that's the case I agree with @brohmyr it would be nice if the character was revealed a bit more. Super interesting work! Looking forward to seeing more!

8 days later

10 days later

Hey im still at it, Bit of a lag cause of the holidays and not feeling too well but im back. While i liked some aspects of the base material i had going it didn't feel fiery enough for the whole idea so i decided to go in to photoshop and start painting away. Then i'll be editing back in the other maps as i get the diffuse look i want.