My Details:
Name: Enoch Sup Lee
Website: -
Twitter: @EnochSupLee

Team Light

Here's some thumbnails, trying to explore what kind of character I'd like to pursue for the challenge! Cheers-

Nice thumbs so far. I look forward to further updates. My favorite so far would be 4th one from the top left. The knight with the spear.

Hey ESL ^^

Glad to see you're back too for ART WAR !
I really like your mage with scepter on the first line (just before the last one)...and I can't explain why but the second on the second line haha

Good luck choosing (only) one !
Or maybe you could accompany him/her with an acolyte/henchmen or something like that ?

Thanks @mr_dessin and @malcom for the input! Appreciate it, and best of luck on your entries!

You're welcome @esl !
Really good luck as well fleshing out and going deep down your "universe" !

The 1st and 3rd might be interesting path.
Esepcially like the clean neck on the 3rd...but the sort of cloack on 2nd and 4th could be a nice touch to add as well !

Started elaborating more on the armor design and designating purpose to my decisions. Will definitely have to do more iterations and make the design flow more precise. Definitely learning a lot from : ! Check it out, a lot of powerful insight on how to be a designer rather than just an artist. Cheers and happy holidays~

The design is going to look so good when cleaned! Try to work with a grey background instead of a black one. It will help you a lot working with the contrast of each element.

Oh for sure! Starting to get the bigger picture with Artois now :smile: Thanks for the advice on the value/tonal difference. Still pretty rough so just wanted to see how much it popped from the initial white bg!

Trying to make him look more sturdy and readable. Any ideas for a pose or weapon for him??
Kind of stuck on that, haha! Need to reevaluate the value structure, but will go into iterations and the fun part.. THE ILLUSTRATION :smile: cheers