@sanguine Ah, makes sense! Seeing as how he's on the dark side, something pointy would really put emphasis on that. Thinking something of a polearm to show his knighthood elegance.

Another update for today: reiterated on the design 3x to explore his silhouette and armor/etc. I'm personally feeling the last one :smile:

This already looks so well designed! My favourtite armour design is 4, although I like the neckline from design 2 the best :smile:

I'm liking design number 4 as well. Nice shapes and the silhouette is looking good.

Thanks @evehartman and @malcom ! Yeah, really loving the silhouette and flow of design 4, so going to refine it and finish up the character sheet soon :smile:

Interesting design, i like it! :smile:
And cool to see you this year again !

Looking great! If you're stuck with a pose, I'd suggest doing some quick pose studies to get the feel of him down.

Maybe some from Quickposes or SenshiStock?

Thanks! :smile: Will definitely explore poses for the final illustration! Going to be a lot of fun exploring him more there~ @jfreyz

Congrats on finishing it! the final design looks so cool! if you have some time, would you give me some feedback on mine? Im looking for opinions on the design. I want to start the illustration to!

9 days later

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