Hi Ascent; you're off to a good start with the assignments, using available time to focus on personal development and to pursue your aspirations is a solid plan. What kind of role are you working towards within the creative industry?

I'd move in! :wink:
The only thing coming to my mind: maybe the house (second picture) is too small compared to the rocks/trees in the background?

Hey Ascent; that time frame is absolutely fine as it is giving yourself time to get comfortable with the process of drawing the figure before worrying about speed, with experience speed will come. It's a nice set of studies; though, they are quite stiff. This is subjective and based upon my experience, but, you have outlined the contour of each figure and there isn't much on the inside, apart from a line a cross the ribcage; this is making them look very flat.

A couple of things to try would be, starting with a simple gesture and building on top of it, drawing from inside the figure, using shapes to suggest muscle, fat, etc and building up to the contour rather than just copying the outline of the figure. Try using cross contour lines that go across the surface of the form to show volume. This is what I tend to do in 3-minutes, it can be done in 2-minutes. For 30-seconds and 1-minute I simply draw the gesture, and maybe add spherical forms if time allows.

Long, confident, sketchy lines placed with consideration (in my opinion) are fine, however, stitching lines together (creating a long line with multiple smaller lines) should be avoided, but I don't see that here anyway.

I wouldn't worry about posting stuff like this, we're here to learn, part of the learning journey is to sketch, experiment, fail sometimes and then learn from it and progress. Again, it's a nice page of studies and exercises and the line of action for each pose is consistently solid :+1:

19 days later

That's a nice setup you've got going on in there! Very impressive. Love all the details you put into this piece and different angles of items.
If you want any feedback, maybe check the bottom left monitor (it's frame is falling out of perspective a bit) and I'd add either a carpet or hardwood floor seams to the floor, otherwise it looks too empty and makes the dog a weird focal point of the whole composition (nothing against a resting doggo :joy:).

I like it :smile: Really atmospheric!
Just not totally sure about her shoulder/breast area. Can't say it's wrong, it just looks like she doesn't have any neck, which kind of reduces her "floaty elegance".

Hey Ascent; lovely story of your progression, and I am glad you are feeling positive and are beginning to find fulfillment in your pursuits. I can relate to your story, somewhat.

In regards to the piece, is the male swimmer wearing a snorkel? Snorkels are meant for use on the surface of the water, they are designed to prevent water travelling down the snorkel on the surface. Being underwater, the snorkel will fill with water and as a result he will be unable to breath.

I'm sure you do; I was explaining the function of the item to illustrate my point. As there are no visual tells to help me read that he has recently dove from his position to swim towards the siren (unless this happened off screen)β€”to me, the piece reads as if he is using a snorkel underwater.

@Ascent Hey, I just wanted to apologise for my last critique of your work; it came from a good place, but my delivery was lacking and my observations were largely unhelpful. I have been learning to and will continue to learn how to ask for and how to deliver critique so I can deliver a more informed and helpful critique for the community in the future.

1 month later

Awesome! :smile: I think I may "steal" that practice :wink:

3 years later

Welcome back! Love your works! all the texture and brushstrokes