Those are pretty cool, especially the serpent, but I feel like the character's theme is not well represented. The scale certainly is, but "Jack of all trades" isn't really shown. If anything the little glowing orb beside them and the staff make me guess more towards a spellcaster, which brings along many connotations.
Perhaps if the perspective were pulled a little closer to the character as a focal point, you could deliver the story of "this specific character on a journey," because as of now the character is merely a lens to explore the scenes through. They're the reason we're looking at this northern tundra, but not what we're looking at.
Grand, massive journey doesn't mean the character's size has to be so small. Size is a scale of significance, and so by making the character so incredibly tiny, it's telling me they aren't important enough to care about despite you describing the images as "so'n'so on a massive journey," rather than "such'n'such, being explored by a foreign denizen."