Thank you for your advice :smile:
I use overlay mode brush for the highlight stuff & multiply for shading
Woa, her works are amazing.. it's exactly the style I want to go for.

Her right hand that's holding the sword is missing some details. Just general creases that should form around her fist. Also her head seems a bit too large and the neck seems a little thin. However keeping it as the way it is, adds some style to the painting so I wouldn't worry about it.

You have quite the sharp eyes to noticed them :laughing: jk

Yea you're's missing some details.. I never thought that it will zoom in this close here in this forum (this is my first time active in any forum) ..because I've been to deviantart & the painting quite smaller in view?? harder to notice them..
I'll try my best next time on anatomy too.

Thanks for the advice & feedback. :grin:

First of all I'd like to say I really like it stylistically. The colours and brush strokes grab my attention, and the body proportions are close enough that the thin neck and long arms feel like a choice rather than a mistake.

What I'd critique is the heavy focus of light around the character's midsection. Although that's the exit through the trees I assume behind her, the heavy contrast between her dark dress and the bright light draws my eyes away from her face, which is much more interesting to look at than the chest.

Owh I see.. I think I overdo the lighting stuff behind her.. I'll take note of that.
Thanks :grinning: