day 2

Welcome to the forums Beyon! Nice work so far keep it up!

12 days later

Hooooo!!, its been a while.
This is the first time ive tried shading and i wanted to do it traditionally first.
Ive been procrastinating for a while now and hope i can get back on track.
btw i have no idea how to rotate the images , sorry :stuck_out_tongue:

That's impressive for your first time shading! Those eyes and ears feel really lifelike.

10 months later

Hmm....after i started this course with full of motivation and energy, I got a job that i didnt want. And not drawing for 5 months (because i was working almot 19 hours a day and 7 days a week) i quit that job. I started drawing again on Feb 2023 and was not confident enough to post anything on this forum. I want to get back into this here are a few 1 min gestures i did.

here's one done digitally.