@enalya Thanks!! I usually ruin my drawings when I paint on them haha. More practice needed for sure!

@ade2004 Thanks! Got lucky on those ones hehe.

Here is another little sketch. I need to work on hands. :confused:

Hey man welcome aboard! Thanks for stopping by in my sketchbook. Not much to say, aside from keep digging :wink: :thumbsup:

Oooh, I dig this stuff. I don't have much to say right now other than I look forward to seeing more!

@Georgie Thanks man! Hoping to post daily in 2017 :smiley:

Here is another little elf sketch.

Love that fur cape, simple yet tells such stories and a neat design. I hope to see more :clap:

Hi! First, thanks for dropping by my sketchbook. Second, I really like the sketches you've posted so far. There some very neat characters among them. I'm looking forward to see more!

Ohh man! your sketches are yummy! :blush: You should finish that last one!

I adore your sense of character design, really cool sketches. Keep it up!

@Hantor Thanks man! Finishing stuff is hard for me, but I'm working on it! :smiley:
@fried-noodles Thanks man!
@abumiguchi Thank you! :smiley:
@ade2004 Yup! Something like that.

And now to post some not great work hehe. I'm still on holiday break, but I'm trying to keep up the drawing.

Some 1 minute gestures (need to do more), and then a slightly longer study. Just trying to get back into studies, because all the hard work you guys put in on this forum has me inspired! I'll get left in the dust if I don't keep up with the studies! :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey :smile: good studies! You should look into Proko and simplify the skelton and add onto muscles, I really think its what you need right now :blush: I reccomend his torso anatomy course.

Ouuuuu, your lineart drawings are so nice to look at.
Great work!
<3 ^ - ^

woah your sketch skill is awesome!, they look so professional already o.O

haha I love how important it is to point out that he is cannibal, good job!

@dramilion Thanks! haha. Yeah, in my head I wanted to draw a cannibal. I'm tying to build out a world full of high adventure, and these are some of the dudes you might run into if you get lost! haha

Here is a Valasquez study I'm not super proud of.

And an update on the cannibal :smile: