You are doing so well with these studies.

I really like your light logic.

@castonia Thanks for the welcome!

@Villainy101 Thanks! I'm just trying to improve my rendering of light and shadows right now.

Just finished this one today. Yenefer from The Witcher Tv Series.

Hi! Welcome to Cubebrush! I hope you'll have a good time here :smile:

Your studies look solid. Keep it up!

Another study finished.

Do you guys have any recommendations on what i should be studying to improve? Movie scenes / Master Studies?

In my traditional sketchbook I really like to do master studies of Rembrandt.
For digital work I think any scene with amazing contrast between light and dark could play very well or just a contrast of something y'know? For ideas I typically hop onto youtube user "Every Frame a Painting" and watch that channel for ideas. The topics are very insightful for a number of reasons but the title of the user/channel says it all.

18 days later

@Villainy101 Thanks! I will work on some master studies and check out that youtube channel!
Some of my new portrait studies.

Do you guys have any ideas on how can i improve my brush work? I want to make my paintings look tighter and clean but i feel like my brush strokes are too rough and it never works out for me. If any of you guys can point me to the right direction on how can imrpove that then i would really appreciate it! :heart:

I think the main tip is to have a combination of soft, fine and sharp edges. Marco Bucci has a great video about it on his youtube channel.
Here it is
It has few cool practice assignments too.

Hope it helps :wink:

8 days later

@echoriel Thanks for the tip! I will keep that in mind and check out the video.
More Portraits

4 months later

They are all so beautiful! All these portraits have a soft and relaxed vibe.

2 months later

Thanks! I appreciate the compliment. :smile:

Been a while since i last posted on here so here are some new progress and studies.

Some more recent paintings

John Singer Sargent study

21 days later