Hey guys,

Here are some paintings and WIPs I did. I hope you like them!
C&C please! It would help me a lot!
The first painting on top is the last one uploaded.

This is a study of a photo. :point_up:

This is a study of a photo. :point_up:

Portrait study

Traditional sketch

Witcher fan art

Got some inspiration after reading The Witcher xD

I did a rework on this one.

Today's speed painting.

Made this speed painting today. I try making these everyday, no more than 10-15 min. I like the brainstorm sessions, where I can try different scenes I have stuck in my head.

Outfit inspired by Grafit Studio.

This one is a WIP. Never got to finish it...

This one I did as exercise, seeing Astri Lohne's piece, which I fell inlove with. Check her out, she is awesome.

This one was made after watching the ZBrush lesson from Term 3. Marc told us to create something in ZBrush, then incorporate it in some PS project. I had lots of fun making this one :D.

The first painting on top is the last one uploaded. :point_up_2:

8 days later

18 days later

Thank you very much for the kind words!
I take Marc's ARTSchool. It's awesome! He teaches a lot of great stuff.

1 year later

Great! Just keep doing.

If I can give you some advice, I would tell you to do an hour landscape painting every day (like the ones that Nathan Fowkes do: https://www.instagram.com/nathanfowkesart)

This helps a lot to understand composition, depth, color, and to practice ways to use the shape of the brush to construct the forms. Doing both (quick sketches and the more finished ones) is what worked best for me.

24 days later

Thank you very much for your advice!
I will definitely take a look at Nathan's lessons.