Hi everyone.
I’m 24 from California, and to be honest Art was always just a hobby for a long time, and i never thought i would make money off of it or want to pursue it. But I’m taking the strides to,
I’m going to add some traditional art as well as some digital things I’ve done before art school and then continue to add more as i go. Thank you to whoever decides they want to come on this journey with me.

Welcome to the forums! It's so exciting that you are going to try to take the next step with your art. I can't wait to see all the progress you make in the future!

Welcome to the forums hope you make great leaps and bounds on your art journey! I thought your digital pieces were traditional for a sec based on the texture you had in them. :smile:

Thank you! I try really hard to make my digital pieces look like a traditional piece!

An attempt on the first assignment using procreate! I’m not going to lie, i had a hard time.

Welcome Brittany! I like your before art school work, they have a "feeling" to it that it's hard to explain haha.

I'm definitely not an expert in this, but i'm gonna try to give some advices on your photoshop assignments that i hope you will find helpfull.

For the Image Adjustments:
It seems that you used the lasso tool or something else to select the colors... you may want to use a automatic selection tool (like the Magic Wand in Photoshop) for this, to get the entire shape.
The last exercise (Mei on the beach), is quite hard, and you definitely don't need to have a perfect result, but i think it will be good to try it again so you will get a better understanding of the tools at your disposal.
I don't know exactly how you have tackled the problem, and i would adivise you to ask for some help in the discord server, but i feel that you would get a better result by using the color balance tool... by looking on your image, we can see that there's too much Cyan and too little Red (look at the square in Mei's gun), too much Green and not enought Magenta (Look at Mei's gun holder and her skin). You can get more close to the real one by looking what colors you have too much and too little.
You don't need to lose your mind on this, and it is a very hard exercise, but i feel that you can get much out of it.

For the pen control assignment:
Good work on your lines and circles! Maybe you could have used a smaller brush in the second exercise, but it's good anyway!
The exercise 4, unfortunately didn't end so good... were you using the pressure sensitive in the entire assignment? I can see some thinner lines here and there on exercises 1 and 2... even if you didn't, it may be the case that your tablet is too sensitive right now. It may be worth to take a look at this. By looking at your lines and circles, i know that you can most definitily do better hehe.
Hope that helps! I'm eager to see your progress!

Thank you so much for your feedback!
I use procreate, and tried the assignment there. I’m still figuring out the programs i have available to me. I also use clip studio paint but not as often as procreate.
I messed with the saturation and what not as it said and found it quite hard, but I’m going to work on it consistently and check out the discord server when i have a chance.
I for sure had a lot of trouble with mei, but again, my first try.
The pen pressure was difficult, I’m trying out new brushes and still figuring out my sensitivity settings, i am on an iPad so it’s a bit different than computer. But i am getting there. Thank you so much for your feedback 🥺

Ima be honest. Life is hard. And i have no motivation, how do you handle it? Pushing through it feels too much, like a weight in my arms.
I know it’s in my head. And i know I’m whining. I guess into the void. I hope i can one day convey these emotions into my art.

adding on to @xdarts post you can also just take it easy when you draw. If you don't feel like drawing then don't worry too much about it, but when you do like Darts said do what you enjoy and start small whether that be drawing a circle every day or making 5 boxes one day, and then the next day you do whatever small action you can think of that you can handle/want to do. This helps build up a drawing habit for most but it can also serve as a way to get deeper into the mood of drawing and make you feel like doing more detailed things. I haven't really dealt with the idea of not having the motivation to draw so I can't completely understand/relate to your current situation, so hopefully, I helped in someway.

  • You can get through this! life throws us in all different directions and puts us through hard times, but its when we get through that rough patch that we reach the other side stronger than we were before that event in our life happened.