These are really good studies. The first picture I thought was a wolf and a man combined, but then I saw they were wearing masks. I like the shading of the character. I like the cyborg fighter and is that a vampire warrior?
The portrait studies are pretty good as well as the figure studies. The 3D box poses are pretty interesting.
@gregorya Thank you very much.
I forgot a few. I thought I had. I knew I had them lying around somewhere.

1 month later
**Art Blog - May 2024 **
I remember that when I started studying so many years ago what a difference it made in the fun that you have when you want to make personal art. Perspective, anatomy knowledge, and simplification. It was so hard to take it day by day and learn from doing assignments. The excitement was sickening and you want to ingest all of it simultaneously. The only problem for me was when you went back to making your own creations, the good habits would go out the door.
I also recall that when you start working for other people that you dont have as much time for studies. "Soon." You will tell yourself. As you start to see your natural decline in line work, and other 'powers' slip away. All at the mere cost of benefiting other peoples profitable products. The phrase, "The magic is in what you are NOT doing" cuts deep.
One can look back and wish "I should have never stopped studying." But there is no time to plant a tree like 20 years ago, or the present. Try to remember the joy in it that brings a world of hope and wonder to your own creation. The feeling of that first time the thing you were struggling hours, or even years with, was suddenly no struggle at all.
I have seen my own improvement mainly by helping others over the years. And reading. I encourage you all to buy books that modern day masters are producing with lots of words and less pictures. Go through it as fast as you can ingest. Mainly understanding it. The answers are all there, for very very cheap. Even when I went to school some of the books that we were asked to go through I had already purchased but never studied. I just paid for someone to tell me to read the books I already owned.
Knowing that, it is still (for whatever reason) so hard to find the interest in studying for my own improvement. The limited time that one has cries out for satisfying technique application, popular style, or career improving portfolio pieces (which never seem to manifest no matter how much you think about it happening).
I often wonder why it is easier to find the answer for someone else who asks. I probably just dont want them to wander through the clouds wondering where they should land the way I did. And for some reason I consider that to NOT be a waste of time like when I study for myself.
Just remember, to those out there just starting, that if the phrase, "Something feels off." pops up in your social circles, Its the perspective. Its always the perspective. Go draw some cubes.
2 months later
Those damn cubes xD almost got me to quit art altogether since i had to do so many for uni, but I appreciate it now (kinda).
It feels pointless sometimes, but then one day months later you just feel like sitting down to doodle, and it all makes sense again, its just so much fun when theres no pressure for it.
Also love the Mundo rendition, hope you’re doing your thing even if not posting <3
Art Blog June-Aug 2024
@Watercolour So glad you stopped by! I find myself once again channeling popular culture video game design subconciously - A friend asked me to draw a zombie brute. I had to look up who 'Mundo' even was when you just mentioned it! FML lol its EXACTLY the same!!! What is happening omg!@@#$%$
I've had the joy to teach a new pupil this summer through pure luck. I know that the old adage of, "those who dont do teach" always rubbed me the wrong way for some reason. As a draftsperson/artist I think a more appropriate a phrase is, "you aint doin' if you aint teachin'!". Or perhaps, "If you aint teachin' you ain art'n.".......I'll workshop it.
I've written about critique culture before, but teaching someone a series of lessons designed to make them flex muscles they may not have known existed was much harder than I originally thought. But the outcome is indescribable.
Lesson planning, resource planning, and my own research have left me with an appreciation for those who have made a serious archive and a mad go of it for a much longer period than I can even fathom. I struggle to plan what meals I am going to eat for a week let alone how to integrate anatomy and figure drawing theory into a cohesive set of lessons... Some of the examples are above - going through rhythms and notan theory and 2 hour render demonstrations in black and white.
I love to digital paint and draw, despite 'adulting' never allowing me to do it as much as I like, and having to hack my own brain in order to get things accomplished on the weekend.
Forcing myself to 'gasp' have fun. Finishing 'an art' scratches a certain itch that all the practice in the world cannot satisfy. Big art takes time, but what if I made smaller art? We'll see where this goes. I love the idea of making tons of products that just make me laugh and smile across all of the print on demand sites and not having to turn my home into a fabrication slash fulfillment center. Dusting my hands by clapping them off like some sort of 90's cartoon character. Have at it.
I cant believe that Krita is real and I haven't switched to it sooner. I have not been able to find anything that it cannot do that I used to use Photoshop for. The brushes are phenomenal and way more powerful and diverse of an engine. I have been getting used to this program for a couple months since adobe wanted me to pay them a subscription service to train their AI - I made the switch. I will probably try clip studio paint and a few other programs I hear are doing good things. Goodbye photoshop.