Day 06-Werewolf
Some werewolves are big, strong and terrifying. Others are not so lucky.

Instagram: @cedricgoart
Facebook: @cedricgoart

Day 7: Rage
Araragi "fighting" against the Rainy Devil (Bakemonogatari)

Day 08-Bottle
Enjoy this bottle of 100% pure undiluted distilled spirit.

Day 09-Guardian
The most fearsome guardian protecting whatever treasures are hidden behind this mysterious door.

Day 9: Guardian
Miria, a System D.P. Cyborg from The Guardian Legend (old NES game)

Day 10-Candy
If inspiration doesn't come, just make a small still life study.

Day 12: Blade
The Sword Saint from Sekiro, probably the best boss in video games.

Day 12-Blade
The best blade of them all: the blade of grass.

Day 14-Skinny
Don't be mean to the skinny tree.
If you see it, be ready to flee.
It might actually be an enemy.

Gouache and colored pencils on paper

Day 14: Skinny
Kinugawa Kasumi, the Head of Hot Spring Development Department from Blue Archive