Sooooo, I decided to go left handed this week. Let's how that goes :sweat_smile:

Day 22

18 days later

That is very impressive for left hand. I'm lucky if I can get a line in the direction I want with left hand. Are you practicing in case right hand goes out of commission? :joy:

1 month later

I guess it's not too terrible, haha! You should give it a shot though, maybe you'll be pleasantly surprised.

That or so that I can work twice as fast using my two hands at the same time :joy:

So I have not posted here in quite a while. I don't have any artschool stuff to share now, although I'd like to get back to that. But I have this painting I finished 2 days ago to show, so might as well post it here.

Veuve (meaning widow in french)- 20''x16'' acrylics on canvas

I can't get one hand to coordinate with the brain. Don't ask too much :sweat_smile:
And that is one awesome creepy painting. I know some people who would absolutely love this.

3 months later

I'm quite a bit late, but thank you @WeirdOwl and @Julia_J. And thank you too @HANDRO! It was indeed from imagination. I matched a few concepts and ideas that I felt work together to create it. I did end up making a small paper maquette to help me a bit with the lighting.

So I started again with Artschool. Not from the beginning, but with the anatomy of the head. I had a few more exercises I did digitally where I did the structure of various faces and added the fat pads on top based from photos, but they might have been lost in the ether now :laughing:

And then I started sketching one from imagination and it turned to this 😆

I have an idea for an illustration based from it which is nice!

Cool concept! Can't wait for the illustration :smile:

Here are a few head construction sketches

Those are really solid heads right there! Great, I love how accurately you defined the major planes even in difficult and foreshortened angles! :smile:

Thanks @mau.wamp .wamp! Whiie they're rough sketches, I took my time and tried my best to reproduce the planes. Thats the only way for me to understand the main structure of the head 🙂

So here's another head. This one I am going to try to paint to see how well I can make something more polished on this Samsung tablet I got recently. It works for sketches, but will I manage something a bit more ambitious. We'll see!

I'm calling it done! It's a bit rough, but I now know I can make nice paintings on this device. It's exciting!

this is great. you can really see the different planes. The bone structure really gives me some Junji Ito vibes

Incredible brushwork man. Those face planes :heart_eyes:

Thank you @HANDRO and @WeirdOwl! I'm really glad that I managed to convey the different planes. And as for the Junji Ito vibe, I'm not sure if I see it. But I'm a big fan of his so maybe something happened subconsciously 😆

I immediately though of this lady here, I think its the way the eyes are shadowed and the overall length of the face.

I see now! I can't really disagree with you on that one 😆