I'm quite new to Cubebrush, got invited to a store invitation and I found that its not only an art resource store site but also has an awesome community!
Thought art blogs might be a fun way to keep me going and improving with such great artworks made by awesome artists here!
As for my first post here is my recent project for my portfolio , a breakdown.
The current and to follow artworks will mostly be related to the story/world I have written, titled "Apotheosis" , a dark high fantasy world with slight gothic,lovecraftian and steampunk themes. Would love to world build here.
This project is "Verstruud's Mausoleum" , my goal was to create 3 environment design concepts in location in 3 different spots , suited for level design and film set production designs.
"The Walk of Atonement"
"The Atrium of Acceptance"
"The Door of Repentance"
Reference Board:
Here are references divided into categories , I think reducing your references down into a hand full is really helpful so you're not all over the place as well as dividing them into sections.
Lastly for consistency I did some basic 3D blocking of a whole level/area and picked 3 main points that show off the main major parts of the level/setting.
The first level details are done with normal maps/bump maps that I custom made , and then cleaned up/washed out the extra noise in photoshop during painting.
Hope to be posting more stuff these coming weeks! cheers!