Hi, at first sorry for my English :blush: Ok so im 34 years old. I'm from Poland. I dont wanna work in factory anymore.. Waking up early in the morning "before chickens wake up" is killing me slowly.. I know its, a long way to be a proffesional digital artist but im determined and im gonna do my best to achieve that. I didnt finished any art school. I'm trying to learn from the internet. Im gonna post my works here + on my instagram. I would be happy if someone will help me to improve like critic my "works" or give tips like u should focus on this on this before u do this n that. Ok so lets see how much i grow after all chapters of this course.
Some images i did already to grab your attention

Hey there, welcome aboard! Looks like you already have some interesting ideas. Can’t wait to see your progress.

One early tip: Just make sure you don’t go too fast, take your tine and put a lot of work on the most basic things to build a good foundation


Im trying to do a lot of basics like simple shapes and 3d shapes, deform them etc. But ive got no idea when to stop doing this n start doing something else... Im like drawing cylinders etc, then i draw death nature, again shapes, then some landscapes ( all out of reference ). Im so confused... i hope this course will help me do this in correct order. I didnt even tried once to create a character because i know there's a lot of anatomy etc to learn. Anyway ty for tip mate :smile:

I totally understand. Back in the day I felt lost, now I found Marc 😂 seriously though, it can be hard to know “what to do” to get better.

From what I can tell, there’s no one right answer or clear road. So any road with clear objectives will take a lot of these decisions from being an additional roadblock to learning art. In the end, the road (this or other courses or self teaching) will eventually lead to the person learning what the fundamentals are, how they affect and how to use them to make art, gain the dexterity to make the marks and gain the observational skills and visual vocabulary that will allow that person to create what they want

Now that said, I think this course and this community is excellent and the road so far has been highly fullfilling for me (I am still a noob but have learned so so much)

From my short time here I can say, take it slow but keep it fun and definitely share what you want as the feedback (both what is good and constructive criticism) can lead to epiphany after epiphany and, especially at the beginner phase - lead to huge art gains.

When I say take it slow, what I really mean is do things at your comfortable or slightly uncomfortable pace. Push yourself, but just a bit. All the assignments in term 1 can be done by anyone, but even if next terms are exciting, try levelling up as much as possible in each term before taking the next step. Keep repeating the assignments until you feel you are ready for more complexity and if you have the chance or time for it, seek additional info to complement your education.

For me personally, that would be through books and youtube. So as I go about the art school, I am also watching some videos here and there, and reading at least one book per term. The first term I read art fundamentals (3D total, and highly recommend it for basic theory on art)

Sorry for writing a whole essay there, I wish you good luck and you can count on my help - within the grasp of my limited knowledge


Welcome to the forums!

Your art's looking quite nice already :smiley: can't wait to see how much you improve!

Thank u guys :smile: I know the road is gonna be long n hard but i like to draw anything even if its "borning fundamentals" So that makes hope that i wont give up :smile: Good thing is that i have a lot of time to draw so i can spend much more than 2 hours a day for drawing.

Welcome to the forums! I hope you find what you want!

Ok guys so i have first question. How I should practice perspective? I mean i should do more different perspectives with simple shapes witch is pretty fast to do so i can do a lot of this or maybe i can do more complex excercises like trying to draw rooms, streets etc. but this takes more time to finish like few hours ( for me ). If i should do more complex things then should i also try to practice value etc? or just make simple rooms / streets etc without light n shadow just trying to do it in proper perspective ?

hmm depends on how much time you have.. when u dont have as much time, do something more simple, but when you have more time, try to do more complex stuff for good practice.

tbh i need to practice perspective more tooo lool

11 days later

Ok guys so after few attemps of drawing rooms and cities in perspective i tried to create my room in sci-fi mood :smile: Im not sure but maybe i went too far with this :smiley: I dont know how Marc want us to do this :smile: How do you think guys, should i move forward and start practicing figure drawing? Or should i do much more practice of perspective ( of course i will do perspective excercises anyway but maybe i should now focus more on figures ).

btw. my doors n room is destroyed by my lovely cane corso <3 :smile:

Yo these are very good. Just a couple of chest cubes and chest cylinders that are a bit inaccurate and a couple of really thick cylinders for those lower legs (or maybe you like chunky characters 😅)

But overall you’re doing great! Keep it up, these are super useful
