Hey everyone! iam chris and pretty excited to share my progress to all of you for critiques and suggestions :smile: Unfortunatly i took a huge break from art in general some months ago........( i regret it so much! ;___; ). So here i go! Started in May again and i hope i can push through it now and make progress ^^
I post some of my sketches, arts etc. which i did in May this year so that this blog doesnt look empty in the beginning.
And yeah! happy to meet ya all! :smiley:

Edit note': i try to post my daily sketches frequently. Its a personal challenge in which i try to do sketches every single day (at least 1 a day ) without using references to see and know what my problems are at the moment when working on a sketch. I regulary do studies in between for the visual library otherwise its somehow impossible to come up with own ideas xD

Hi Chris! Nice to meet you :smile:

Nice sketches! I really like the style you have going on. I'm looking forward to see more work from you.

Pretty sketches! :smiley: Maybe finish a couple in bw?

Thanks first of all!
and yeah I defintly will do! ...just some of them of course :smile:
I think i go with sketchday 11 i did today, clean it up and make something acceptable out of it i hope...hehe (* pant * need to improve my render skills ^^' ).

Nice work. Digging your style. Looking forward to more updates =)

Nice to hear that. thanks a lot! :blush:
i try to post frequently.

here is a different sketch of Aurora (the name i gave her ^^'). Actually i somehow liked the pose in the beginning and was planning to make an illustration out of it but now it looks too stiff (argh...). I try another pose for her so i call it a Wip for now :smile: