Hey there mighty artists. Damon Cimarusti and I are Character Artists at Insomniac Games. We just released the first 3 episodes of our brand new podcast, ShapeLanguage.

We created the show to highlight uplifting conversations between great artists in the entertainment industry. We believe the show will help create bridges between studios while providing essential resources and guidance to students. Damon and I recently made the leap from student to professional and we hope to forge a path for more artists to follow. Join us on the first leg of our journey where we speak with three outstanding artists from LA!

PS: I may post some art here, but primarily this blog will be focused on my latest creative endeavors in podcasting.

Welcome to the forums. :cb: Glad to have you guys here with us. I will definitely gives this a listen as soon as I can.

10 days later

1 month later

18 days later

In Part 1, Leroy describes his journey from Taiwan, to working at Bioware, and finally coming to Insomniac. Check out Part 2 to see Leroy’s early work and inspirations!

In Part 2, Leroy shares some amazing work that continues to inspire him today, and he even took the time to dig up some of his early student work to show us how he got started.

14 days later

17 days later

This episode is different. Instead of talking with someone in the entertainment industry, we had the great pleasure of speaking with an outsider. Skylar’s understanding of art history and culture would be downright intimidating if it were not for her warm personality and accessible presentation of complex trends. Hearing an extremely well educated, outsider’s perspective on the world of entertainment art was very rewarding. The conversation was full of surprises and insights as we discussed specific ArtStation pieces and where entertainment art fits into the broader art world. We really enjoyed this conversation and hope you will too!

23 days later

Doing something fun with friends this weekend--hope to see you there! For details: bit.ly/34hAwF0