This is my first proportions assignment

Yo, welcome aboard! nice job on the proportions diagram, they look really clean and accurate

I'm guessing a moderator would have to help you, but the post is in art center instead of art school so most people will likely miss you in the forums if you don't move it


Welcome!! I love that fox character design will ever you draw more of it??

13 days later

18 days later

Yes! It's a little project that I have had cooking for a while. It's basically a fan-made prequel of Star Fox about James McCloud (thats a younger james). It could become it's own thing but right now I like where its going. Thank you!

This is another character from my little star fox prequel fan project. He would be the main villain. Admiral Knowles.

13 days later

A little sketch of another one of the characters from my Star Fox prequel fan project. The story actually centers around James and the formation of the Star Fox team, this is his grandfather. Constructive criticism is welcome, I will post the finished piece :smile:

21 days later

This is an Alien for a sci Fi horror story I have kicking around. Essentially the story is a mix of alien, predator, seasoned with dead space and the thing. I want it to be pretty heavy with body horror. The main characters end up on a ship filled with twisted creatures who turn out to have been the crew they were sent to save. This alien throughout the story is seen as an animalistic threat but over time appears to get smarter (thing the raptors from Jurassic Park) until it is revealed that the alien, using alien science, mutated the crew into the monsters (monsters who are fully aware and know what's happened to them). Everyone dies except the main character who is also mutated (but is still somewhat recognizable) the alien gets away and the authorities find the main character.

16 days later

Finished version of the sketch before the one above, yeah...its been a while lol (constructive criticism VERY much encouraged)

Mass Effect is my favorite game too. Which squad member do you like the most?
(I prefer Kaidan and Wrex. But I know that Kaidan has relatively few fans.)

All of the squad members are great! (especially the ones from ME1) My personal favorites are Garrus and Liara, I know those aren't very controversial picks but they are who I like. Kaiden was definitely a fav from ME1, I wish I didn't sacrifice him in my playthrough (but this is why god gave us multiple playthroughs :wink: )

I was not aware, that Garrus and Liara are controversial.

I was saying that they WEREN"T controversial, they are very common picks lol

(I'm basic)

Lost in translation. :confounded: :joy:

1 month later

I made this in honor of Vetra, one of my favorite characters in Mass Effect Andromeda.

1 month later

10 months later

Oh baby...its been a minute. But I am going to do my best and get back on the saddle this summer. we are 2 years later. College stuff really distracted me from art.