Hey guys, here I'm again with another concept for a creature, he's a big creature, his size is approximate of the size of a rhinoceros. I'm gonna run you through the entire process. Before we get started here's my https://www.instagram.com/william.michelli/ and my https://www.artstation.com/william-michelli

Alternate colors


This was the initial concept I did on my sketchbook, I did it out of my imagination, I wasn't thinking of a particular animal or anything, I really liked the result and I wanted to make a finished concept out of it.

After that I started doing a more refined sketch of what I wanted the creature to be like.

I decided I wanted to do a more 3/4 view of the animal instead of the side view I usually do.

Here's the anatomy.

I transfered the anatomy to another paper with a light table, and I started working on the surface of the animal.

I was really happy with the result and it was time to start painting it.

Here's a video of the process.

Please tell me what you think, your feedback is really important, and if you liked please consider taking a look at my instagram and artstation at the top of the post.

2 months later

Hey guys, here's another creature. I wanted to do a really big creature this time, and I'm really happy with how it turned out.

Here's some color variations, I really tried to use unusual colors for an animal like this. We have birds, insects and fish that are really colorful but we don't really have quadrupeds with these colors, and since he's an alien I tried to push these types of color.

Here's some variations I had come up on the initial sketching phase that I also took some steps further to see if I'd like it better.

Now my I'll show you my process to how this creature came to be.

I was trying to sketch some creatures out of my imagination on photoshop, that was my first time doing digitally, usually I do this traditionally. I liked some of the sketches I did, but I really liked this one. The top left one was the first one, and then I did some variations, the original sketch you can see he has only 4 legs.

Here's what I decided to go with, I tried some different heads, because I wasn't totally pleased with the one I had.

Here's the anatomy.

Here's a little video of me painting it, it's really sped up and I cut to the more important parts and it's only value.

Hope you like it o/