1 month later
@Oviacheslav the concept sheet has to be 2048x2048. So if you do your concept on a bigger file, you'll have to compress it to the correct dimensions for the final.
@magicfool you have to make your own thread to post your character. I will delete this post tomorrow. Please make a separate thread by then.
@Leoblare1, Fantasy vs SciFi was the theme of last year's ArtWar1. ArtWar2 (the one currently running) is a Light vs Dark theme, so your character can be anything, as long as it's clearly on the dark or light side. Check out the full brief at https://forums.cubebrush.co/t/cubebrush-art-war-2/4330.
@Leoblare1 Yes, of course it can be that. However, your robot is sure to gets its metallic butt kicked by the supremely awesome warriors of the Light side who will inevitably defeat it... but there's nothing stopping you from creating that character for ArtWar2!
@redfox27 you can, but that would disqualify you from the start and your entry wouldn't get judged.
@NicoK Yes you can.
I've finished with my 2D entry. I know that the final image size must be "at least 2048 pixels in height or width" but when I try to upload an image that's 2582x2048, Cubebrush automatically resizes it to 889x1120. simialrly, you require the character Sheet to be 2048x2048, but when I upload one that size, it's rescaled to 888x888. How do we actually submit images with the required dimensions without the site rescaling it to non-acceptable sizes?
Try making a new file with 2048x2048 from the beginning and then reupload the image for the concept sheet. Probably can do the same for the illustration.
I believe @Acolet would know a bit more about this.
Thanks, that actually worked for the Character Sheet. It didn't for the Illustration, but I was able to get it to upload with a smaller size, 1625x2048. Before I was trying to upload an image where 2048 was the smaller for the two dimensions. Is it acceptable to have the 2048 be the larger of the two dimensions?
@mdashow Yes, 2048 can be the bigger of the two dimensions.
But, if you ant to make the picture bigger without forum scaling it down, you need to make the file size smaller - save in a different format, compress it a bit or make the image a bit smaller (which you did). Hope this helps