Is the Embedded Marmoset Viewer Option an advantage over a just mere Detail Sheet? Is this affecting at any level the judging priocess? And can the model be also in an A pose for the sheet? Thanks!

Hey there. you have to make your own topic with the tittle
ARTWAR 2 | Dark Heart | 3D | Valpr

Oh found it ! thanks !

@matteo no, both are equal and are there so the judges can better see your model and hard work from all sides. You do need to include your character in an T-pose though.

Hi there!
I want to know if is totally necessary to choose one side or another to create your character or you can start to work and choose according to what the character seems to be?
On the other hand, Could I start with one character and then modify the shape all I want? like if it has one head now but I want to put him two, or things like that?? Could I speak privately with a moderator?
Thank you very much!

@Adrian_Pagador you can start doing a Light side girl and end up with a Dark side monster, yes. What's important is that the final character is very clearly one or the other.
You can edit the name of your topic if you change the character mid- modeling.

Feel free to message me if you want (:

@jjsculpting "overall quality" will be judged, but no, it's not a big factor. It's more important how interesting your character is and how good it looks, fits the theme etc.

Hello Acolet!
Thank you very much for your answer, it helps a lot.
Could you send me a message? I don't know why I click on your picture and I select Message but nothings happened O.O
Thank you

I have a question. What is considered gore? I have skulls and blood. This is gore? or I have to delete they? Thank you very much :smiley:

@Adrian_Pagador oh, yes, seems there is a bug in the messaging :confused: we'll fix it asap.
Edit: messages work again (:

@SergioHualde what you have right now seems ok, just don't make it too bloody. Make sure you could show your entry to your mother or an 8-year old kid without them freaking out :smile:

haha okey, thank you very much. Only I want to put a little blood on the sword and in the front of head (he put it with the fingers) :smile: Only for color contrast :smiley:

16 days later

Does the model need to be high and low poly?

@petr_dostal Hi! this is not how you submit a work. You need to create a topic here and post it there.
Read the first post here for more info.

(If it's still unclear, you can write me a private message in czech if you want)

I have a question regarding the final image:

If I wanted to add some dirt on let´s say the character´s armor or skin (for the final image), would I be allowed to do so with Photoshop (post effect) or does it have to be literally "on" the 3D character itself (=texture/polypaint)?


@matteo that would have to be done with polypaint/textures.

And can the character be colorless in the detail sheet?

@matteo the detail sheet serves to show your model from all sides plus detail so that judges can properly see it whole - for that it needs color too.

@matteo but you can still upload it without colors along with a color version. It's always nice to see. It's always coool to see just the highpoly if that's what you wanna show off as well.