Feels like it's been forever!

NGL, I feel it's becoming increasingly hard to keep up with social media. Might have to take a break from posting everywhere. Not that I'll stop arting, Nozomu, or posting, will probably just need to dial it back a bit.

I AM quite active on discord though, so if you ever want to hit me up, you know where to reach out and find me.

On an unrelated point, I'll be heading out on vacations next monday, so I'll be out of touch for a while. Some nice relaxing at the beach after a crazy year of work and happenings. Looking forward to it!

Term 4

Final work for Term 4! Draw yourself as a superhero! It doesn't need to be an existing one, but someone at some point said I kinda looked like peter parker, so here we go.

I actually ended up doing this one twice, since the first version looked pretty bad.

And with this, we're finally done with Term 4 completely!!!

It took a whole year, but we're finally done! Here's a recap down memory lane!

Man looking at all like this is crazy. I've loved every minute of it, even if it was very challenging at times. Still a long way to go though.


Final page of chapter 32 is done!

1) Seki's words seem to make sense given the conversation he just had with Shadow, but it's also intended as a message to the reader, on how things are about to get more exciting, and also for myself, as there are milestones and some work ahead that is sure to be quite challenging.

2) Orignally this WAS the final page of the first arc. Currently, there is one final epilogue planned of just a few pages. I was hoping to do it before end of year, but given the schedule it will probably happen during January.

3) The castle at the distance is also set to hint at more stuff to come. So far, things have been kind of simple, but with the next arc, we'll start expanding the roaster as well as settings and events.

With this, I now need to work on the cover art, translation, editing and all the good stuff.

Something fun to leave here for everyone before I leave on vacations though. The short story "Hero" I've been talking about in previous posts:


Copied from the main post:

"For those new to Nozomu, or still going through the main manga storyline, you can just pick up and read this side story, which acts as a prologue to the main story. No context is needed. Hope you enjoy it!

For those who are already caught up with the available Nozomu material. “Hero” Takes place during Seki’s training days, at least a year before he arrived to the port of Rabban in chapter 1 of Nozomu, though there is no concrete timeframe at the moment. It also gives a bit more context to Nozomu chapter 29, which might have seemed a bit strange without knowing the background of some events that transpired here.

Originally conceived as the screenplay for a manga one shot, it was further developed into a slightly longer story and established as an important episode in Seki’s training days.
Currently, it’s planned to be included as a bonus as part of Nozomu’s first volume compilation.

There are still a few things pending to work. I’ll be adding notes to this post as this little side project continues to be developed to highlight any updates done. "

And finally, a little Naoko drawing

And a bit of her backstory:

A lady-in-waiting to princess Akami.
She was taken from her family at an early age as a “candidate”, forced to battle against others for the “honor” to serve and protect the princess (including Chloe). She showed proficiency for the ninjutsu arts, and eventually was chosen. A simple girl at heart, she yearned for her freedom, and initially resented the princess. However as they grew together, she came to know the princess like no one else, and came to admire and care for her, even if her masters made sure she always remembered her place and duty.

Eventually she was forced to escape and leave the hidden village after being framed for an assassination attempt against the princess by “humans”, led by her own original family members. An attempt she thwarted herself.

In time, she found Makena and Lydia, who protected and helped her, something no one had ever done for her before. She now follows them, seeing in them the family she never really had.

As usual, all feedback is welcome! Still got so much else to do.

It'll probably be a while before I get back to post again, at the very least until next year, even though I plan to still keep lurking around as possible.

Have a good one! cheers!!!

You improved so much! All the hard work is really showing

Love the foreshortening on manga! And I really like Seki's hair adding flow
Light on mountains feels too 'heavy'. Contrast is strong and everywhere. It's a bit distracting.

Naoko looks great! And her backstory is interesting

13 days later

its always fun to look back at old drawings to see how everyone has grown and I feel you about social media it burns you out fast and im especially not made for it to it hit me even harder lol I'm glad to still be seeing your new works

Your Peter Parker Painting looks good.
I like seeing all of your finished artwork over the year.
The chapter for your series has plenty of chapters plus a side story. that's pretty interesting.
Naoko's backstory sounds interesting. I like to see what happens in your story.
Enjoy your vacation.

23 days later

Man. You are one busy dude!
I love seeing the progress and prolific amount of work, all in one blast (after being absent for a couple months)
Good stuff!

1 month later

13 days later