Was able to get some work in during the week. I can feel the mojo coming back!
Term 4
Feet! lots of feet! Completed the first 10, still got 10 more to go! I had already shared 4 of these, but figured I would include the full set completed here.
Really getting to understand the foot structure a lot more. I think I toe-tally got it now! I can feel it in my sole!
As I move through these exercices, I got the itch to do a few more fanservicy pics to practice more anatomy.
Sari Oaks and "Lance". Sari Oaks is fairly well established in the story by now, while Lance has yet to officially appear. Still trying to think of a good name for him, will need to think of something in the coming months.
Probably the last few fanservicy pics I'll do in a while, since I have a lot more work pending in the queue.
I love anatomy though, and doing these is actually a lot of fun, so who knows, maybe I'll find space to do a few more.
Finished the draft for Chapter 31, published it on the discord manga forums and already got some really good feedback (also my grammar sucks, good thing some members caught some of the worst mistakes). I can't seem to be able to upload PDFs here, but I'll leave the link to the file directly in discord in case anyone is willing to help review it and maybe share some early feedback to see what we can improve about it before we start working on the pages.
1) In this chapter I finally get to dive in a bit more into Iris situation and the whole arrangement thing. We also get a bit of good girl talk and bonding between Iris and Sari. I really happy how it's turning out, now that this first arc is coming to a close I feel like things are finally slowly falling into place.
2) At the moment it's 14 pages long, which means it's one of the longer chapters so far, however most of the content is fairly straightforward, as it's basically a conversation scene. Hopefully it doesn't take that long to produce.
I think that's all for now! Thank you so much for stopping by! Have a great weekend! Cheers!
The grind never stops.