I modified it a bit. Colors and Values I think are the skills that I lack more...I tried to adjust it a bit, I felt more satisfied. I think I have learned something. In the end I just decided to drop some random background, was inspired by egypt ? Or it was the Oracle of Neverending story ? probabl both. She remind me a sphinks in some way.

I opted for another bird/human/ horse (goat ?) chimera. I feel I need to push birds and muscled legs.. Also the pose helped me to get back from memory about human upper torso (delts, trapzius teris ecc..). I started whit a simple gesture, I keep realizing how much a good gesture it's the basic, then i added skeleton, muscles, and a volume study, in the last I put lineart on and corrected whtat looked wrong. I didn't had the time to add values and colours and even to end wings, I leave that's for another day.

Getting back on it I corrected the perspective, then I studied values (I need this sooo much) and whit values I realized other errors on face anatomy and arms. Corrected these then I applied some gradiet map, I decided to lose some values but I think the resut was good enough (i used too much values probably)

is not a simple horse bird ! it's a goat bird woman whit the special power to make you understand non euclidean geometries whit a simple word ! (i am joking in the end i got tired, i lost connection whit reality drawing at 3 am )

12 days later

Thanks...studies made the difference... sometimes I wonder how much I learned and how much still have to learn...

Seems like a lot of work. If you odn't mind sharing, what is the comissions?

some graphic for a indie game , in particular a modular map of town, very simple some generic houses and some special ones.

Ooooh, I see, that makes sense on how you have it laid out. Looks really nice!

1 month later

Commissioner asked for a change of style....I am going slow, not having much time I have to focus on that for now....I'll keep going whit course later...trees and water are from another artist on this project

Oooh, it's interesting to see how it's all coming together. Looking good!

9 days later

1 month later